I have never had Beef Stroganoff because my mom raised me as a vegetarian. I have no idea what the traditional dish should taste like but this recipe is my version of the dish my mom came up with as a vegetarian alternative. I have settled into a routine of making it without thinking about it and it has quietly evolved over the years. As I’ve been making it recently I couldn’t remember if I used to put garlic in it. I love garlic but if it was ever part of the original dish my mom created, I can’t remember. What I offer here is the version I’m making right now.
Even if you like to eat meat, why not try this version the next time you need to feed someone who doesn’t? It’s comforting, satisfying, and easy to make.
Tofu Stroganoff Recipe
1/4 cup olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 1/2 lbs crimini or button mushrooms, sliced
1 block firm tofu
30 grinds black pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried marjoram
16 oz sour cream
1/4 cup soy sauce
8 oz whole wheat egg noodles
In a large pan saute the onion on med/high heat in the olive oil until transparent. Add the mushrooms and stir occasionally until they are slightly browned. While the mushrooms are sauteing, boil salted water in a pot for the pasta.
Add the tofu to the saute pan along with the pepper, thyme, and marjoram. Stir well and cook for about five minutes. By this time your water should be boiling, add the pasta to it and cook until just tender.
Turn the heat down to low and add sour cream and soy sauce to the mushrooms and tofu and stir in well. When you’ve drained your pasta add it to the saute pan and stir it all together. Serve and eat! But don’t burn your tongue.
I was just thinking about you today, when I noticed that my snowdrops are getting ready to bloom. This recipe looks delicious, though I haven’t been a vegetarian for many years, thank you for the inspiration…
I’d probably add a wee complication if I make this, by doing that thing where you pre-boil the chunks of tofu and then pan fry them a little till they get a bit browned on the outside. (The pre-boiling changes the texture, making the tofu a bit chewier)
Hi! This looks great, I always love your recipes!
I don’t know if you eat fake meat, but the Ornish cookbook (technically a diet, but some of the food is actually really great- all vegetarian) has a great recipe for mushroom stroganoff that I use often when I’m looking for something really hearty. I’ve never had beef stroganoff, either, but I’ve fed it to meat eaters (and vegetarians) and they loved it. 🙂
Allison- greet and compliment the snowdrops for me, will you? Everyone likes their tofu a certain texture and I think any would work in this recipe besides the soft kind. I don’t like tofu too chewy or it starts reminding me of meat.
Laura- thank you so much. I’m happy you like my recipes! I don’t eat fake meat because it is made to resemble the texture of real meat which I don’t like but I’d totally consider making this dish with fake meat for guests who aren’t used to eating without it.
Gosh, this looks divine. Thank you, my wourdefnl cook!Your recipes are so easy to follow.I beter try this one after my cholesterol check next month though!