Tag Archives: Cricket and Grey

The Post Apocalyptic First Aid Kit: put together your own or BUY MINE

first aid kit 1Last summer was a calamitous one. You know how you can go a long time without getting any cuts or sprains and then suddenly every time you turn around the kitchen knife is lodged in your thumb, table corners conspire to trip you so you sprain your wrist in a fall, and steps suddenly disappear under your feet sending you sprawling on the cement walkway below scraping off a big hank of skin so thick it makes you sick to your stomach to cut it off?

We had one of those summers. That was the summer I finally understood the value of having a first aid kit in the house. We had various components of one. We own at least six pairs of scissors, all suitable for cutting bandaging to size, but when I needed a pair to cut off some skin from my mom’s injury (yes, for real) and cut bandages, I spent 5 precious minutes searching for a single pair while she bled. We had bandage tape but it was not in the same spot as the bandaging. That was the day I decided I needed to put together a first aid kit for our family.

first aid kit 6I could have bought one, of course, but there is no first aid kit out there that blends natural medicine with some modern manufactured supplies. I don’t use Neosporin for cuts and abrasions, I use a handmade comfrey wound salve, or did until I made my own formula with antibacterial herbs in a triple infusion that is much better and stronger than the one I used to buy*. I don’t use Calamine lotion or anti-itch ointment from the store for poison oak, I use natural powdered clay. My son is the one who gets the poison oak and this has worked very well for him.

first aid kit 3I was also inspired by my dystopian novel “Winter; Cricket and Grey” to make a first aid kit that included some natural bandaging in addition to the sterile manufactured gauze pads and band aids. In the spirit of being resourceful during tough times when manufactured goods may be hard to come by I have put cloth bandage rolls in the kit made from natural cotton muslin that’s been pre-washed to improve absorption.

first aid kit 2I put a lot of thought into what should be included in my first aid kits. I’m going to list each item I included  below:first aid kit 4What all first aid kits should include:

Scissors – they don’t have to be fancy, they just need to be able to cut through bandages and bandage tape. Hopefully you won’t ever need yours to cut hanging skin off a wound.

Tweezers – make certain they are sharp edged otherwise they are useless. The ones in this kit are small but have a really nice sharp edge for pulling out splinters. Dull ones make it more painful and frustrating and you will end up cussing so loud you’ll surprise yourself.

Triple Strength Wound Salve – this is in place of using antibacterial ointments. It’s natural, it’s effective, and it’s really good for your skin. The bonus is that it’s made from ingredients that would most likely still be available during an apocalyptic situation. It can be made at home if you take the time to learn how.

Sprain Bandage – I can’t stand Ace bandages. We have one or two lying around and have certainly had cause to use them but they look creepy with that flesh-like color and they’re always too long and after a few uses get stretched out in an unpleasant manner. I have made sprain bandages from cotton stretch satin. Each kit has two lengths of it so you can use either just one or use both if you need more of it. They are pretty and decorated with a felt heart.

Muslin Bandaging – 100 percent cotton washable bandaging. Two different widths for different needs. It is for making pads and for fixing them in place. It is also perfect for using with the poultice.

Band Aids – I’ve included 20 in each kit I’m selling but it’s not a bad idea to add more to your kit of different sizes. I’ll be honest, we have a lot of different band aid sizes and types at our house but the ones I find most useful are the ones I’ve put in the kits (1″ x 3″) and it’s frustrating having so many less useful sizes and shapes lying around when this is what I most often need. I’ve chosen latex-free because a lot of people have allergies to latex.

20 Sterile Gauze Pads – These were really useful with my mom’s arm injury and I will make sure I always have some on hand as long as they’re available. They’re very porous, though, and the muslin bandaging is better for particularly bloody situations. In either case, where bandages sticking to wounds is a worry, rub some salve on the wound or on the bandaging directly to keep it from sticking.

2 Rolls Bandage Cloth Bandage Tape – You can use muslin to tie wound pads in place but it’s good to have tape on hand as well.

1 Use Comfrey Poultice – If you use this poultice for a wound you can get 2 uses from it but for a sprain you’ll want to use the whole thing. I’ve seen a comfrey poultice in action (my mom used it on my cousin’s sprained ankle and it worked wonderfully well) and is truly be a great value to every first aid kit. It reduces inflammation which is the main thing you want to do with a sprain. The added benefit of using a poultice instead of an anti-inflammatory pill is that it has healing properties on skin. Comfrey speeds up cell regrowth and is known to be healing for bones as well.

Bentonite Clay – any pink or green clay powder will do just as well. I include this because it worked so well soothing my son’s poison oak that he’s a real believer and we always have some around. It helps dry up weepy rashes and reduces the itching. Plus – it’s full of minerals that are good for skin.

Alcohol for Sterilizing – I’ve included an empty bottle with atomizer top in my kits for sale. I can’t sell alcohol without a lot of trouble so you must fill it yourself. You can fill it with rubbing alcohol OR moonshine OR Everclear. The higher the proof the better. Use it to sterilize the scissors or tweezers before use. It can also be used to sterilize wounds, but only do this if you don’t have access to clean running water which is the best way to clean wounds.

There are a few other things that would be fantastic additions to your first aid kits but which I couldn’t include in the ones I’m selling:

Fever/Pain Reducer – We don’t treat fevers in our house until they reach 103 degrees OR unless they are causing terrible discomfort. So we don’t use fever reducers often but there have been times I’ve been really grateful to have it on hand. Pain reducers are also truly beneficial in my opinion and I have never been satisfied with natural pain relievers (except for beer – true story) so this is a case where I believe in modern medicine providing superior care to natural and why in my household we blend modern medicine with natural remedies.

Epi Pen – No one in my house has any life threatening injuries but many people do have them and while they usually have an epi-pen close at hand, having one in your first aid kit is wise.

Thermometer – Not a necessary item but very useful in determining if a fever should be treated or allowed to run its course.

As always, I have to hope you never have need of any of these things, but I also hope you’re prepared in case you and your loved ones are hit with a string of injuries as we were.  Either put your own kit together or buy mine:

Post Apocalyptic First Aid Kit from Stitch and Boots

first aid kit 7*You can buy my triple strength wound salve separately from the first aid kit in my Etsy shop.

10 Reasons You Want to Read Cricket and Grey

I spent all morning writing up the reasons you want to read Cricket and Grey.  Please go read them at Better Than Bullets because I think I just might convince you.  But even if I don’t you’ll probably enjoy the image I put in your head of Nathan Fillion NAKED.

10 Reasons You Want to Read Cricket and Grey

I will return to regular Stitch and Boots programming in a couple of days.  In the meantime – go read chapter one of Cricket and Grey!

Read the First Chapter of Cricket and Grey

After some major indecision about what approach to take with my writing career – do I keep sending queries to agents in hopes of getting my book published in the traditional way or do I publish it myself and take on all the work that that entails?  The bottom line is that I’m ready to release this book and start writing the next one in this series.

So I am going to publish one chapter of Cricket and Grey every Monday afternoon until the whole thing is published on my blog.  While I’m doing this I’m going to format it for e-readers that you can buy as well as formatting it for print on demand copies that you can buy.  The advantage to reading the book on my blog is that if you’ve been following my whole writing process for the past three years – you don’t have to wait to read the book any longer and you can read it for free.  The disadvantage is that reading chapters in blog format is not the most comfortable format to read a book in.  The advantage to buying either an electronic copy or a hard copy is that you can read it anywhere and it’s in a much easier on the eyes.

I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to work this out but I may expire each chapter after it’s been up for a full month.  I’ll keep you posted.

Wanna find out why I had to do so much research on automatic rifles and semi-automatic pistols and the legality and method for burying your own dead?  Wanna find out what Yamhill County might be like when oil becomes so scarce that the government keeps it all for their own uses?  Go read the first chapter of Cricket and Grey on Better Than Bullets:

Cricket and Grey (winter): Chapter One

This is speculative fiction and as such I got to take some liberties with how I imagine the future but I also did a lot of research to keep it real.  I hope that you will find my novel entertaining.

Some things you may wish to know beforehand:

1.  This is fiction NOT a survivalist manual.  I pity the fool who takes it too seriously.

2.  There is swearing, though less than I do in my journal writing.

3.  I wish I was Cricket Winters.

4.  I kind of wish I was Grey Bonneville at the same time, though that would be awkward.

5.  Trying to learn enough Scots to form a super breezy exchange of pleasantries took many hours of study.

6.  I really like my villains.

7.  There are adult themes in this book so don’t read it to your seven year old.

8.  No hot sex.  I’m sorry.  But you would be a lot more sorry than me if I tried writing a torrid sex scene and then subjected you to it.

9.  My favorite character aside from the two main ones is Shockey.  I love him.  He needs a bigger part in book two.

10.  This is meant to be a four book series (winter, spring, summer, and fall).